In according with our bylaws, KJ has three standing committees. Other committees may be created to deal with particular projects as is deemed necessary.
Finance Committee
- meet with the Treasurer as prescribed in Subsection G of the bylaws to review the finances of the organization and to ensure all financial practices are meeting the requirements of this bylaw and policies of the Corporation
- present to the President a recommendation for approval of the books at the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors after the review
- be prepared to present their recommendation to the membership
Costume Committee
- assist with the distribution and collection of costumes for their group
- assist with procurement, creation, or outsourcing of manufacturing of new costume pieces
- support members of their respective groups with the appropriate wear and care of costumes
- any other duties as delegated/assigned by Costume Director
Fundraising Committee
DIRECTOR RESPONSIBLE: Fundraising Director
- investigate various fundraising opportunities to help the group raise funds
- help in preparing and organizing fundraising activities
- assist the Fundraising Director to secure volunteers when needed
If you are interested in joining any of our committees, please speak to the appropriate Director.